Saturday, September 19, 2009


So...about 5 months ago I posted a blog about being a mommy of two. At that time I was still adjusting and not getting a full nights sleep. But now that I have had some time to adjust and Jude sleeps A LOT...I have to say I am loving it! When I was pregnant I remember being excited about the day I would see my two kids playing together, but it is even better then I could ever have imagined. It helps that I have two of the sweetest kids in the world, seriously, they make my life so much easier. Lately David and I just find ourselves looking at each other say "they are so stinkin' sweet!!"

They other day I was taking video of the two of them. Jude has been chattering a lot and I wanted to get it on video. Annabel and I watched the video on the computer and she was cracking up whenever Jude was on. She thought he was was so cute. She will just randomly hug him and give him kisses and he breaks out the biggest smile ever!

I really love being a mom. It is easy to assume that since your kids love you so much that all kids love you so much...but the other day as I was holding a baby that wasn't mine, I realized this isn't the case. I can make my kids happy SO easily, but I did all the same things with this other baby and it did NOT work. While it was a little frustrating, it made me realize how special the bond is between me and my children. It is hard and you have to give a lot of yourself, but it is so worth it!

I know this is probably weird, but I am weird so it is okay, but sometimes I think about what a woman who has a hard time getting pregnant would think if she heard me complaining about not getting enough sleep or potty training or something. I can imagine she would think I did not appriciate what God has given me so easily and I guess it keeps me in check. Sometimes when things come easily to us we don't realize how great of a blessing it is. Sometime we take things that come easily to us for granted...I don't. God has blessed me and I know it. I don't EVER want to take my family for granted, because I know in this day and age it is a valuable and rare gift. And as long as God is willing I vow to love being a mom and wife. I know I may not be the best out there, but I am going to give it my best. And in the meantime here is a cute video of my son the Billy Goat!

Friday, September 11, 2009

New Stuff.

I feel so blessed! I had a wonderful 28th birthday last week...David took me on a date and it was a blast. David's parents came in town and they watched the kids when we went out. We had a great visit with Grandma and Pop.

Also, the weather here is amazing! Maybe I am weird, but good weather can put me in such a great mood. A couple days ago the high was like 70...fall is definitely the best time of year here. One thing I am still not getting used to...only like two months of good swimming weather. Our neighborhood pool is already closed. That seems crazy comng from Florida were September is still HOT!

So, two new things in the life of the Wiggins. The first...drum roll....Annabel has started Preschool! Can I get a woot woot...haha. Okay, but seriously...I think I may be more excited then her but she is getting the hang of it. She is actually there right it is kind of nice to be able to blog in a quiet house. Jude still takes a morning nap so I have about 2 hours of quiet on Tues. and Thurs. mornings. It is very nice. Annabel's first day of school I think she was a little nervous...which was hard, but she worked it out and now she loves it.

The second new thing for me is I am working. Okay...only like 7 hours a week, but still it is something. I am working in our church preschool department on wednesdays mornings and evenings. It is interesting because my first day I felt so happy. It has been a long time since I brought a paycheck into our house and I guess I forgot how good it feels to make a little money. I felt like I was actually contributing. Not that I haven't over the past few years, but I have had a job since I was 15 so sometimes I feel a little guilty not having one. I guess I feel like more a part of the real world and it is nice. It is also kind of nice working in childcare (never thought I would say that...hahaha). I haven't really done that since I was a teenager and I have a very different perspective now that I am a parent myself. Having dropped my kids off and picked them up many times it always feels bad when then teacher is looking around like..."uhhh, which one belongs to you again. Oh, yeah okay here she is." I hate it when they give you no information, you almost feel like they didn't even realize your kid was in their class. So, that being said I am really trying to get to know each of my kids and it is my goal to give each parent a feeling of peace when they drop their child off with me. It really is a ministry to that is such a nice feeling when you feel like someone has invested time in your child and takes a few minutes to let you know how your child did. So that is my goal and it feels nice to be able to do it for other moms.