Thursday, March 19, 2009

Getting Real

So, lately I have enjoyed blogging a little more and telling cute stories and updates of my wonderful children, but I have been thinking about mixing it up a little and getting real. This is a very hard thing for me to do, and I am going to take it very slow.

One very important aspect of my life is my faith. I have a hard time posting a lot about my faith for numerous reasons. Mostly I just can't quite get what God is doing in my life into a succinct and meaningful blog post. Plus, there have been a lot of ups and downs this year... and I hate to burden anyone with my massive mess. But God has been teaching me that in order for Him to answer some of my prayers I have to put myself out there and allow others to really know me.

I tend collect my problems and hide them in my little 'turtle shell' so to speak. I try to be so strong and independent, and always put on a good face. The problem is in hiding all my problems from the world I also am attempting to hide them from my all-powerful God. Doesn't make much sense.

Through compounding trials in our lives as of late, I have realized I have no control. There is nothing I can do... besides pray... in any of my situations. I feel more peace at finally coming to this realization then I have in a long while. I HAVE to give it to God... I have no other option. My hands are in the air, I surrender ALL (such a hard thing to do when you are a control freak). This whole attitude has completely transformed my prayer life. I have found myself begging like never before for my merciful God to swoop in and claim victory. Thank you Jesus that the big battle is already won. I take comfort that God is molding me into what He wants me to be. I guess I am typing all this so that others who may be struggling will know you are not alone (and maybe a little for therapy and a little to request prayer). Beneath all the stories of my crazy kids... there are hard times and feelings of defeat. There are times lately David and I have looked at each other and said "oh, no... not again." I don't know if it is over, but I am throwing off my 'shell' and asking my Jesus to rescue me!

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Adventures of Diego and Baby Jaguar

So today has been pretty busy... feeding kids, running, swimming (with Annabel), feeding kids, naps and church. In the midst of all this, todays theme has been Diego. Annabel started the day pretending she was Diego... the girl is obsessed with him. She has been looking for the anaconda all day (in the pool, at the YMCA childcare, in the car and around the house). Take a wild guess who her sidekicks are... that's right, me and Jude. Jude is baby Jaguar (a role he seem very content with) and I am Allycia (Diego's big sister and fellow animal rescuer). I think a healthy imagination is great so I have been going along with it calling her Diego and answering to Allycia all day. Now I am starting to worry. I first thought twice about this game while in the womens locker room changing into our bathing suits. I got a few weird looks from some older ladies when I called my daughter Diego. After naptime it only got worse when I called Annabel my little girl. Her reply, "I am not a little girl, I am just Diego."

Okay.... game over!

Friday, March 13, 2009

Picture Post

I just want to say that Jude is doing so great. I have to brag on him because he has slept through the night for the past three nights! Last night he slept 10 hours straight... and he is only 2 and 1/2 months old. I can't believe it! Oh... and he is sleeping that long in his crib (not his swing or car seat...yay!) Okay, I am done using so many exclamation marks, I am just really excited and surprised. He is such a chill little guy. He just stares at you and when he gets your attention he breaks out a huge smile. I love him!

Okay.... now for some pictures.

Trying to get a family picture was a little difficult.

Pictures from Madison, FL

Annabel and Leah

Annabel's Birthday Cupcake Cake

Cade and Jude

Annabel and Addyson.. this is Annabel's BFF :)

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

The Play Park

Annabel loves the "play park" and lately the weather has been so beautiful we are taking advantage of it as much as possible (plus it is so fun to watch her play and interact with other kids). Yesterday we enjoyed another play park moment that I thought I would share.

When we got to the play park there were about four, five year old little boys running around. Annabel basically was minding her own business... and looking extremely cute. I guess at some point the boys decided to add Annabel into their game... she was to become the monster (she had no idea she was playing with them). Anytime Annabel would get close to them they would run away screaming "here comes the monster." A little of the protective Mommy wanted to come out and tell those boys that my daughter was a princess... NOT a monster, but I held back. Luckily, Annabel was clueless. At one point as I was coming around the corner and the boys were running screaming Annabel said "that is not a monster, that is my mommy." SO CUTE!! She totally thought they were calling me a monster and was sticking up for her mommy. I was trying so hard not to laugh at the whole thing. Finally, one little boys grandfather pulled him to the side and demanded that he stop calling Annabel a monster... that she was a little girl and he better let her play with him or they were leaving. If you could only have seen his face... "awwwww man."

All the while my little girl was so unware... her innocence is so refreshing. I know oneday she will come home crying because of something like this and I will not know what to do, but in the mean time I am lucky to be able to be there as her defender if ever she needs me... or if I need her!

Tuesday, March 10, 2009


Well, as many of you know my mother-in-law got some bad news this past week. It has been quite a shock to all of us and without giving any information that she may not want me to post please keep her in your prayers over the next few months.

And now....
I basically just wanted to take a minute to tell everyone what a wonderful MIL (mother in law)I have. Beccie is one of the most generous, caring and intellegent women I know. In everything she does she strives for excellence. I have learned so much from her and feel SO lucky to have her as my MIL and to be a part of the clan they call "Wiggins." Thank You Beccie for everything you do for David and I (and Annabel and Jude), and for always supporting us in all our endeavors. We love you more then words can say and I can not imagine having a better relationship then the one we have... you mean the world to me!!