Friday, June 19, 2009

Beach Week 09

So, I just got back this evening from my first Beachweek summer camp with BBC Students. It was so awesome. We were in Pawley's Island, SC at a really nice resort. I brought the kids and we stayed in a very nice two bedroom condo. It was so great to see the students worship and just soak everything in that God was doing. The last night we had 18 kids get baptised and had and amazing time of worship. I love being in ministry like this! I feel so lucky to be able to serve God alongside my husband!

MIL and DIL came to stay with us and helped BIG time with the kiddos so I could be involved. I already miss them so much. Annabel was SO happy to see them and when we were leaving she was sad. She said "I want to go with Grandma and Pop." It was sad, but I am so happy that she loves her family so much. Pop was great with her, he carried her to the pool and they were so cute together. Grandma fed Jude and watched Lady and the Tramp with Annabel like 500 times :) She will never want to watch that movie again!! I love being in Asheville and serving at Biltmore, but I miss and love my family!! You guys are so great!! Thank you so much for all you do.

Friday, June 12, 2009


First, I wanted to give an update on potty training. As much as I would love to make the announcement that we are done... I can't just yet. We have had many days with no accidents and Annabel wakes up most mornings dry, but I am still hesitant to take her out in regular undies. She stills has accidents at church a lot... I guess she gets sidetracked and forgets she needs to go.

We are so close!!

Next, I have sold 4 Little Piggys and have about 6 more in the works!! Yay! It is so much fun. Here are a few pictures of recents ones.

In other news... Annabel got her first pair of roller skates. They are a little large for her still, but she was very excited to try them on.

We are leaving tomorrow to go to Beach Week (our High School camp). I am super excited. It is going to be so much fun. Since David is leading worship I get to go and bring the family. David's mom and dad are coming to meet us there and help with the kids a little. It is going to be great and hopefully I will have tons of pics next week.