Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Cute Moments

So.... it has been a little while since my last blog, I guess things are getting a little busier around our house. Jude is now two months old and tomorrow we will go to the doctor to find out how big he is. I can tell he is much bigger and growing a little too fast. With Annabel I looked forward to each new stage so much that I may have even pushed them along before she was ready... but with Jude I already know what the next stage is and I just want to enjoy these baby days. They are going by too fast already.

Our little princess turns 3 on March 3rd... whoa!! I can't believe it. She is getting so big (although still Not potty trained). She has been such a great helper with Jude and so far has shown no signs of jealousy. She does things like put Jude's pacifier in his mouth when it comes out and when his diaper needs changing she will go into his room and get a diaper and a wipe and bring them to me to change him. It is so sweet. At church when other kids come up to check Jude out she always has to go over and very proudly exclaim "that is my bruder."

The other day we had all of Annabel's stuffed animals lined accross her bed and she started talking to them about Jesus. All I could really understand was "blah blah...Jesus...blah blah blah...disciples...blah blah...loves you," I don't really know what she was teaching them, but I know it was cute and of course very spiritual :)

Another day I was telling her how cute she was and I said, "Annabel, do you know how cute you are?" she said yes and I asked her how she knew... she said "the Bible tells me so." I cracked up and then called David tell him right away. I love her so much and just can't believe she is so big.

Jude is still not talking... but he smiles an aweful lot, and that smile will melt your heart! (well maybe not yours, but mine for sure!)