Thursday, April 30, 2009

Monday, April 27, 2009

Mother of Two

So... for the first few months being a mother of two has been fairly easy. The hardest part was making sure Annabel was safe and secure while I feed Jude. The rest of the time Jude basically slept. Jude turned 4 months old the other day and things have begun to change. For the last few weeks it has been increasingly harder to juggle the two of them during the day (their schedules are so different). Annabel no longer takes naps and 3 days ago we began serious potty training.

I am finding that I have to completly change the way I view my day and what makes it successful. These days the 'chores' may not get done by the time David gets home (or at all for that matter). It is been better now that I am realizing my schedule needs to change, but it has been a harder adjustment then I expected. Breastfeeding can be exhausting (especially when Jude is probably close to 17 pounds and seems to be going through a growth spurt everyday) and 'me' time is a thing of the past. I am having to really get my priorties straight.

In the meantime I am reminding myself that this is a phase and being a mother of two will not always be this hard. I don't know how long this stage will last... maybe a few weeks, months or (dare I say it) years. God is really showing me a lot about myself and my relationship with Him. Prayer and daily time with him is something I HAVE to have. It is amazing to me that something that sounds as easy or simple at being a stay at home mom (SAHM) God can use to set me right with Him. Those of you who think staying at home with your kids is an easy job... just wait. There is a reason women fought for years to be able to work away from home. There are many days I day dream about this possibility, and I may even make it a reality oneday, but for now I know God is using this time to teach me and my children some very valuable lessons.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Long time... no pics

Okay, so it has been way too long, but I have lots of new pics. Today was beautiful and so in honor of such a beautiful spring day we decided to take the kiddos out to the Biltmore Estate and walk in the gardens. So I will keep it short for now.

This is just a cute one of Annabel playing.
Okay, I actually intended on posting a few more pics, but for whatever reason this is taking FOREVER. So, I am going to quit for now. I fully intend in posting more tomorrow.